January 19, 2009

Day Four on Day Five

Sorry...I didn't forget and no, we didn't fall off the wagon. I was just too tired! Yesterday was a very full day...church, sick baby, AB's parents came over for lunch and some Wii and Football, then some friends joined us for dessert and drinks. It was a great time - but whew...tired!

So I'll keep it short and sweet, because I'll need to post again for Day 5 later on.

Yesterdays menu was simple:

Breakfast: Cereal

Lunch: Leftover Mexican Casserole (all gone now...boo hoo...)

Dinner: Leftover Chicken w. onions and potatoes and leftover Pork Roast w. Rice and Brussel Sprouts. All gone too...boo hoo hoo!

Today we have to finally get our meager shopping list taken care of, as well as run some errands. I'm a little nervous about being out and about in temptations way - but we'll see how I do. Wish me some shopper luck!

1 comment :

Young Creations said...

Glad to see that you are still staying strong. I am still staying strong too, but it is not easy. I thought ofo you while I was at the market today getting some essentials. But my essentials ended up being $80.n How can that be? We are mostly vegetarians and so that adds a more expensive food selection. But still. I will keep you updated.