And there’s a good chance that my son is all boy. And that he loves to swim. Like a fish.
And that my baby girl likes to be in the water just like her brother. And it helps when your cousins and Auntie are there to share in the fun. That helps a lot.
I’m not entirely sure we will come home. Ok, yes I am. But it’s fun to imagine.
And there was one point, last night, when I was holding Quint and we were riding on the back of the EZ-Go (which is a fun golf-cart)…heading back to the cabin after a lovely and long evening swim. And it was getting dark but not completely. And the fireflies were everywhere and the air was cool and blowing gently around us. And we rode in silence on that back seat, listening to the sounds of the woods and the critters in them, and letting those fireflies light our way back…
and it was magical
and that doesn’t happen nearly enough in our everyday life
and that’s why we love vacation and summertime
the livin’s easy
I sooo cannot come and see you cause I would just love on Quint and Keira and they would get soooo sick of me..
I love the photos..
The kids look like they are enjoying every second ..
Love ya girly..
love that you are away for 2 weeks! finding magic in the every day is so hard.. great photos!
It looks like you are having a fabulous time! Cute pictures! I especially love the last one!
Sounds like a wonderful family vacation!
sounds heavenly! Love the pictures the kids are definitely enjoy the time away from home, you might be too :)
I know it's the whole grass is greener on the other side of the fence thing, but I'm gonna say it anyway- I can't imagine truly getting bored with those beautiful babies underfoot...I mean girl...they are the most handsome son and adorable kissy squishy cheeked daughter on the face of the planet, no?!
They are stunning. And I don't have to discipline them or clean up after them, so I can say that!
And even temper tantrums would look cute in photos through blogs!! Sorry!
You could write about potatoes and I would keep coming back to stare at your gorgeous photograhy, the rich colors, sharp contrast and of course, the gorgeous eyes of those treasures of yours :)
Life is good...vacation or home!
Oh I get you, I get you so much. Summer is hot and humid in our neck of the woods too. We have a pool, air conditionned house and I am the kind of mom that every second day..well we have an adventure going (my kids are now a bit older than your..the ''baby is 5). But being away from home is so delicious. We just came back from a little 4 day week end in Ottawa, sight seeing, family, relaxing.. the good times. It's just not the same, but my family is really counting the days to go back to our place of heaven on earth. Prince Edward Island. Once we open the door of that cottage, life as we know it disappears. No blackberries, just my cel, we have a great big yard that transforms into in a great big beach and the ocean.. pure heaven. Fresh lobster, friends, family, I think you get the picture why our kids cherish that place. They have us all to themselves for two weeks and we can discover new things and places with them! Life is good. Enjoy you summer.
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