July 7, 2011

Rain or Shine

Last night there was a tremendous and glorious lightening storm here at La Cabin.  At 4am – yes, you read that right –
I had to open the shutters in our room just to enjoy it.  It was spectacular

Needless to say, we woke up to showers – and it’s just as I suspected.  Even rain cannot dampen the beauty of this gorgeous place…

And yes, I had that wonderful first cup of coffee – and I enjoyed it outside in between storms.


Still, rain or shine we were ready to welcome Aunt "Eesa" and the sweet cousins
who brought gifts and wore my kids out as the day progressed.  (Bless their hearts!)

With games, book reading, chasing and all sorts of “tag” and “you’re it”…and bubbles





And I got my game on.  That is, my “Hand and Foot” game…and for those inquiring minds who just NEED to know?  I’m terrible at it.  Got smoked, just like I do every. single. time by my mother and sister in-law. 

They’re wiley, people.  This is because they are SEASONED veterans of the game and every move I make is like a silent snicker from their corners of the table.

Ok.  Not really.  But I like to trash talk when I lose repeatedly. Cough.

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Anton and his mama were in the kitchen again – and we certainly were the happy recipients:

Blue Cheese Stuffed Sirloin with Mushrooms, Red Smashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Fried Okra…{whimper}


Even Little Miss Adorable was found to be heartily enjoying her vacation…
relaxing and bird-watching on her grandparents enclosed patio.


And there was the Pool Time.
Because that rain did go away, and that sun did make a lovely afternoon appearance – and we spent a good two hours soaking, splashing, diving, and floating in that refreshing pool brimming with fresh rain water…



Do you think it’s too soon to let Oma and Opa know that we’ll be leaving never

You’re right…maybe tomorrow.