February 4, 2009

Yeah, yeah...ok...21

So we made it to 21 without spending...or "incident" as we like to call it. Here in the cocoon of 30 Days, I'm feeling more and more itchy to be done. I feel like it's so close I can taste it...err...smell it? I'm gonna have to stick with taste it. Yeah. Chipotle...mama's comin'.

I bet you're thinking I've learned nothing - but in fact, that is a whole post unto itself and I am giving myself the full 30 days to perspective-ize (not a word, but it is now) on how this process has impacted us for the good and not so good.

Skipping to the food part - here was today's menu ~

Breakfast: Cereal. I know you must think I'm either cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs or just a really bad creature of habit. But the truth is, I don't even really like breakfast. I'm not a morning person in the slightest small iota of a morsel and I prefer very much to have the blissful option of sleeping through the morning hours - traffic, school buses, coffee, morning papers, and all that AM nonsense that I like to be in R.E.M for. (zzzzzzz.....zzzzzzzz) Because I no longer have that option and since my son and his father rise with the sun - I must convert to eating the only meal of the day I am happily prone to skipping. So since I have to get energy somehow - I grab the easiest and quickest form I can find - and one that does not involve pots, pans, heat of any kind, and/or effort beyond open and pour then scoop and crunch. There. Got that off my chest. Whew.

Lunch: Picnic Lunch at AB's work - pics to follow because that little boy of ours is a genuine CUTIE.

I love this picture below - they were having an intent conversation as only a Daddy and his little boy can over a picnic lunch. Love it!

Dinner: Ok party foodies - AB is back! Take a gander at this one:

Let me describe this meal to you as only my pallet, which so very recently enjoyed the very plate of food you are gazing at, can. It was such good pasta. I could go on and on - but perfectly cooked and very slightly al dente. It was a garlic and herb blend from our local pasta store. (Yes, I said local pasta store) What? You don't have one? Seriously, pack up your stuff and move. Because this was some of the best pasta I have ever had - and I am a carb junkie. It was just so good. BUT: AB made this incredibly tasty chicken and lemon cream sauce to go with it. It was light and wonderful. Anton used the word "bright". And that was true...it was a bright flavor. Not to be forgotten was a dollop of AB's homemade Creme Freche. OMG. People. Seriously. It is not right that I get this food all to myself. Just not right. I swear to you - I can't make this crap up.

On another note!

I received two different awards this week from friends and so I must at least share my good fortune and pass a little love back to them for having nominated my blog.

First, from Cora over at "Waiting for Little Miss What's Her Name" who kindly nominated Bushel and a Peck for the "Fabulous Blog Award". Thank you so much my friend! I'm so glad we've connected through this crazy blogger road map. I am honored to receive such kudos from you and appreciate the props mucho mucho!

Second, I also received a "Lovey Award" from Vickie over at "Our Journey to Jadyn Nicole". Thank you, thank you my dearest! It is a small world and such a wonderful way that we found each other. I can't wait to meet Jadyn! It's amazing the people you meet and find along this winding road of adoption and life, isn't it?

Here's the problem I run into with the awards. It is darn near impossible for me to nominate just 3 or 5 or 8 of you for these. I love so many of you and follow your blogs faithfully (despite being a terrible, terrible commenter). I hate breaking award chains for fear of bad karma, hurt feelings, or flat tires. But I just can't do it. I absolutely can't leave anyone out. It just kills me. Not withstanding the fact that if these two lovely ladies hadn't been kind enough to nominate others, then I could not be selfishly lamenting now about my woe. So, rather than nominate 5 or 8 - I'm just going to pick one for each and leave it alone at that. Picking five leads to eight leads to twelve and then I'm just listing my entire blogroll. I love you all!

For the "Fabulous Blog Award" I would like to send a shout out to my girl Eloise over at "Weasel's Journey". She is just a beautiful person with a beautiful family and so many rich stories to tell about their travels around the world. Every time she posts about another cool place they've been to, I feel like I've been there too after reading her blog. I just think she's the cat's meow! Also, meeting her and Dots at Meisey's homecoming was a very cool treat for my little blogger self! Hugs my sista!

For the "Lovey Award" I simply must give this to my gal pal Stephanie over at "Wises 3". Love her. Love her blog. Love her artwork and creativity. And love day-dreaming that we could travel together and lean on each other in China when our girls are handed over to us. That would be so freaking cool. Meanwhile, she is a lovey, and I'm so glad to know her - even if we are separated by 3000 miles. Big smoocharoonie SW!

Now, if you both play by the rules (which I shamefully did not) you must nominate some fabulous blogs on your own blogroll. You pick the number, but I think it's supposed to be between 5 and 8 nods. Either way, I award you just the same. Consider yourself duly awarded. Other than a graphic and knowing I luvs ya, I'm not sure what else you get, besides maybe a few extra hits to your blog as the curious wander over to visit you.

Meanwhile, I'm off to bed and day 22. Lord help me, I can hear Chipotle calling my name at 3am.

Seacrest out. (I'm so glad he doesn't say that anymore...it really was lame-o)

Speaking of American Idolfixedriggedshow - can you freaking believe whoseitwhatshisname last night blubbering and telling the judges what a hard life he's had and how singing is.... "It's on my skin and bursts out of me every time I'm on stage and I don't know why". Oh gag me with a spoon. I wanted to vomit into my hat. What's even worse is that his sorry stankin' backside is still around even after tonight when he was another pukefest with his drama for your mama in his sucky group. Was it just me? Did anyone else want to fast forward once he started crying again...I was in agony. Pure awkwardness. Shudder. But I love it!


Kristy said...

I know it is getting old, but you can do it, I know you can.

The pictures are precious as usual and Congratulations on your awards!! I love my sweet Vicki!

Love, Kristy
if this posted twice I am sorry, blogger was freakin out.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Christie, you poor thing, stuck at home eating just what you have, I know Anton's cooking must be getting old by now, huh? Just send him out here so he can cook whats in my pantry, I will suffer with you OK?

I want to know how to make home made, uh, sour cream....... Send him out, please!!!!

Anyway, Idol fan no matter what, good, bad, ugly. One of my favorites so far is the guy that looks like Robert Downey Jr, the one that just lost his wife, sob, so sad. Sure can sing though. Love that show, I imagine you on there, you are good enough my dear. Could-a kicked some Idol butt, you could-a!
love ya

S.Wise said...

Thank you my dear!!! Big hugs back at ya!!! I so hope we see our babies at the same time!!!! :)

I PROMISE I will play on.... we are in the middle of the "life changing" event I told you about and I won't be able to do it right away.... so I will do my best!! Thank you!

Operationtigerlily said...

Found your blog while blog surfing. Your challenge is inspiring. I found myself cheering "Don't quit, your doing GREAT!" a few posts ago when you were having a bad day. We are/were chronic eaterouters too. I have scaled back big time in the last few months (see what a kitchen remodel will do, we cured ourselves of take out, just looking at styrofoam boxes gives me the vapors). Going out to lunch is my weakness. Gotta get on the ball with brown bagging it.

Keep up the good work, you can do it....