....from today is "Gotcha Day". One week from today at this time - we will have held Quint in our arms for the first time and smelled his skin and hair. Touched his face and kissed his little hands. One week from today my whole world - my whole outlook - my whole life - will be changed.
What a difference a day makes...
**(Kaleigh has an appt. tomorrow for those curious - I'll post an update on her when I know more. She's showing signs of improvement in some ways, and not in others. **
What a difference a day makes...
**(Kaleigh has an appt. tomorrow for those curious - I'll post an update on her when I know more. She's showing signs of improvement in some ways, and not in others. **
ONE WEEK!!! I can't believe it!!! I am giddy for you!!
I have been wondering about Kaleigh....I will check back.
Only one week left of your old life!!! Whoo HOO!!
I can't believe it's almost time! I remember those first few moments so well. The first time I saw him with his nanny through the door window of the meeting room at the orphanage is an image that will be burned into my mind for the rest of my life.
Enjoy yourself in Ethiopia. Buy more stuff than you think you should. Drink coffee and eat popcorn. Soak in every moment. Life is good!
Not to make your crazy at such an exciting time... But have you secured medicines for you and your hubby and new baby to take to Africa. Stomach virus meds; anti nasaeu, antibiotics, skin creams, etc... We used every bit of ours, except for the stomach stuff... Congratulations, I have been reading your blog for some time. I am a LURKER, I don't usually post. Here is a blog of my daughter....
God Bless.
Christy B., Virginia
Oh my... 6 DAYS!!! I can't freakin' wait. Are you even able to sleep at this point??? So excited for you guys!!!
Sister, I am praying for you...for a safe trip for the new parents and little one....for Kaleigh too.
Love you all,
Quint's Aunt Julie
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