In case you have never been (do you live under a rock?) it truly is the happiest place on earth. At least to me. I grew up in California and I associate many, many happy childhood memories with Disneyland. That's why when my parents offered me a chance to go back with them and my two younger siblings in two weeks, I had to jump at the chance. I nearly choked on my own teeth - I was so excited. I am also so glad that we will be taking my beautiful niece Christa, who is only 10 and has never been to the park - scratch that - she went when she was three, I think - but of course remembers nothing about it. She's the perfect age to go back and really make memories that she will carry with her for many years, just as I did and my mom did when she was a little girl. I will be sure to report back with pics and details after the trip! I leave October 24th and I'm chomping at the bit...
Other than that, on the adoption front - it moves slow, as many of you know (and also are experiencing). We had the nursery door closed for awhile - just to clear the depressive air after referrals came out. Now it's open again, because I can't bear to have such a pretty little

space (albeit unfinished pretty little space) closed up. So once again, it's bringing sunshine to the rest of the house with it's cute little window. I have good days and bad ones with this process. Sometimes it literally feels like this is all just a really bad and painful exercise in futility and that she will never get here fast enough for us. Other days, it feels like I'm not ready to be a parent. I know that I am deep down, but it's scary some days when AB and I are just enjoying lounging around, window shopping for hours, or eating and sleeping late - and I think to myself "say goodbye,'s all gone". Sigh...doesn't that sound rediculous? Complaining about life as we know it ceasing to be. Trust me when I say, we will gladly give it up for Keira. She's worth it! It's just...some days are good, and some are bad...are you with me?
On another front - my camera is still not fixed, nor has it been replaced. And even though my birthday is next month, the only camera AB wants to replace it with costs way too much $$. I just am not sure how we're going to rectify this one. I am miserable without a camera!
Work is going well - I had a bad week a couple weeks ago and I thought the light at the end of the tunnel would NEVER be seen, but sure enough, the clouds parted and there it was - all was well again and my load returned to the usual. For the most part, this job is the best thing that has ever happened to me career wise. I can't wait for Keira to reap the benefits, as they are slightly wasted on me and me alone.
The best part of my weekend, was that on Friday I got a wonderful package from my Feb/March Secret Pal. I really needed a pick-me-up and it came just in time! Since I have no digital camera to take pictures of the lovely things she sent, I decided to get clever with my scanner and so I am attaching scanned images. It's the least I could do...I was really moved by her gifts...
First was this amazing book full of Chinese holiday stories, activities to do with your kids, and recipes that celebrate Chinese Culture. AB and I were both very touched by this gift, because we so long to share these traditions and stories with Keira so that she will understand her heritage and appreciate and respect it. This was such a wonderfully thoughtful gift! Thank you so much Secret Pal! And, for anyone who is interested, the authors are Nina Simonds, Leslie Schwartz, & The Children's Museum, Boston.

These are sooooo darling! They are little pins for your coat or whatever you like - and one is a kitty and one is a puppy - both with little wings and halos. The card says: "Protect my pet when I'm away. Bring it safely home each day, Let it know that it is loved, Here on Earth and from above."
She was aware that we had lost our 11 year old kitty recently, and wanted to cheer me up. It worked! I love these little pins. I will be thinking of my little Meggie when I wear the kitty...
Next were these darling little shoulder cloths. ANYTHING to do with Keira and my day is made! Thank you so much Secret pal...I love it! (Would you believe with all that I do have, I did not have any of these?!?!)
Last but not least is her thoughtful penchant for getting the perfect little cards to make me smile or laugh. If this doesn't make you smile, I don't know what would. Inside she wrote lots of encouraging words and she also asked me quite a few questions. Since I know she's reading this, I thought I'd take a minute to answer, since this is my only way to communicate with her for now...Question: When you visited your Aunt and Uncle in Brentwood, was that Northern or Southern, CA? Answer: They live in Northern CA. - just outside of the bay area. Beautiful area - beautiful home, and wonderful people! Question: Where exactly did you live in California? Answer: Well, I'm assuming you don't mean the address...the street, the number...(haha) so here's the breakdown - I was born in LA - but we moved to Sacramento when I was a small child. Lived in Sac until I was 30 years old - when we moved to TX. Question: Not in detail because he reads this blog, but a little more about what AB likes: Answer: He likes Gamestop, the store. He likes cooking and kitchen gadgets. And he loves the idea of being a Dad to Keira. Hope that helps! And Secret Pal, thank you for everything! It was wonderful to hear from you and get those great things for Keira - and we love the book, the card, and the pet pins. You're very sweet to think of them, and to refer to them as our kids. We certainly see them that way!
As for the rest, I have a busy week coming up with work, church, and my Mommies Who Lunch - who are coming over this Friday! Yee haw! Love those gals...but since this time it's at my house (girls...bring your cameras, please!) I better get to cracking on the cleaning! Yikes!
We tried to have a yard sale this weekend to clean out our garage (wish I could post pics...) and I spent $20 on signs on Home Depot. Would you believe the stinking city picked up all our signs and took them - so no one came! What's up with that? Is that a Tx thing? In California, it is very common to put signs up, and no one will take them. Here, they were gone by around 10am and it was a very painfully slow day...sitting around wondering where everyone was?!?! Then AB went out to see if our signs were there, and they were all gone...not just ours, but our neighbors signs as well. What a crock! I want my $20 bucks back! We hardly made a dime, and ended up donating all our stuff to Goodwill. Of course, AB is happy, because he has his garage back, but I'm peeved we spent a whole day spinning our wheels, when in reality - the signs were taken and no one was gonna come - because no one knew we were there! !$(*#&$(*#&(*&$(@*&$!@%&!^%# Grrrrr...
Last but not least, Anton's father just finished painting and handing over to us two of the cutest little rocking chairs for Keira. One for her room and one for the living room. You have to see them to really appreciate how darling they turned out - and how perfect the color fits in her nursery, but alas...they would not fit in the scanner...just take my word for it...they're the cats meow...
Until next time -
bon jour!