I've got a bullet point post, sans bullet points (because they screw up the look, ya know?) Ok...where to start?
First, as has become a tradition this year - we had our "M3 Posse send off" lunch for our friends Bob, Erin, and Mollianne yesterday. They're on their way to get little Meisey from China tomorrow morning and we are so excited! This is it for the posse - I'm all that's left. One more to go...little Keira. Wow...can't believe we're finally closing this long wait down! (Captions are below pictures)

The Whole Gang - minus a couple little ones...we're missing Mollianne who was with her grandparents, Meisey who is coming home in a couple weeks, and Keira. (and who knows who else?!!?)

The Posse Sistas. Love my girls...

I especially love this picture. It totally touches my heart. We were having lunch with the gang and Anton and I looked at the table of our friends and said "this is so cool - there's not one biological kid among us!" Now to some that may sound silly - but imagine the scene we make when all five families are out with our...oh, soon to be NINE kids between us and not one of them look like any of us. It's AWESOME! Meanwhile, this picture above just...I don't know. It's so smbolic to me of the starfish story. It made a difference to these little starfish... (and look at my little man on the end. I love how the only two boys (and only ones not Chinese) are end-capping all the ladies!)
If you're like me and love following families as their traveling to get their little ones - then you won't regret visiting Erin over
HERE and doing just that. She'll be posting from the trip as often as she can!
Halloween was just too freaking cute....seriously...you want the cute? You really want the cute? Well, you can't handle the cute! Don't believe me? I warned you...
We did attend a Halloween party about a week ago and don't ask me why my husband is wearing a dress. He ran out of time and that's what he came up with. The blonde wig was stunning - so stunning that I asked him to take it off. Disturbing people. Even for dress up. But that's one stinking ridiculously cute little lion up there...shoot!

On Halloween, we made for the mall because they were doing trick-or-treating indoors and with air. Since it's been in the 80's and we don't know a lot of our neighbors (ok any of them) we opted for the this route with M3 sisters
Valerie and
Robyn and their adorable little characters.

Meanwhile, it's freaking Monday - and I'm not a fan of Mondays at all. Why? Because we lose Daddy back to the grindstone and we start our "same thing everyday" routine all over again. I'm thinking this calls for some seriously creative planning on my part. I just can't be inside when it's 80 degrees out. We're heading out to a playdate with twins Carter and Conner this afternoon - yaaaay for lunch and a walk to the park playground! Pictures to come!
Can I just once again offer a weak and feeble attempt at apologizing for my absurd lack of commenting on all your wonderful blogs. I continue to stalk all of you and keep up on your day to days...Doris is eating lots of candy...Eloise had a beautiful block party, Donna and Rubyiscoming are wondering if today might be the day...Misty got her referral...Christy's family just had a beautiful party for the grandparents (great family pictures too) and Cora got her first blog award. I could go on and on and on. Kim is cleaning today because she didn't do much yesterday, Lisa and Brianna have been partying hardy on the birthday circuit, Jenn M still cracks me up and she's like me - she wants you to Vote. I'll just stop there...because when I say I read your blogs, I'm serious. Like daily. I just never seem to stop and say Hi...I've got to get better at that. Some of you are champion commenters and can I just say, I appreciate you. I just have got to get my motor running on this.
I guess this is all I've got for the moment. Except...
Please Go Vote. That's all I'm gonna say.