I do, from time to time (cough, sputter) ask my furry babies to submit themselves (as if they had a choice) to a photo op. They are most gracious, and usually tolerate some dozens of shots going off in their little faces. I have some tricks that help keep them happy. I usually don't show them the camera at first. I lay down with them. I talk gently. I turn off the flash and try to use natural light. And I try to get them when they seem relaxed and even sleepy. Since they are all good natured and sweet, they stare back at me with uninterested expressions and allow me my time of trying to get the perfect shot. And occasionally, I do manage to capture those faces that AB and I have fallen in love with over the years. Anyway, I'm no professional, and I only have a little Canon Elph. But sometimes, I feel like it gives me some magic with just a little click. Here's to all the fur-babies ~ Enjoy mine!
Below is Kaleigh, my darling - she is just sweet and a total lover. She is also a rescue dog that was left to rot in a pound in California. When we found her, she had been there for a month already, was literally withering away to nothing and so sick it would make you hurt to look at her. She has changed our world - and this little pumpkin is such a mama's girl. I love her immensely...

Here is our 14 year old, sweet Chloe. She takes up residence every night on AB's pillow and gently licks his head - we've reasoned that she has decided he needs a nightly kitty bath. After she's done, she nudges up against his hair and drifts off to sleep...

Anabelle, sweet Anabelle. Who would rather gnaw her own leg off than ever disappoint Anton or I. She is hands down, the dog that changed us into permanent Dog People. Smarter than a tack, funny, loyal to a fault, and as sweet and obedient as any wonderful dog could ever be. How can you look in that face and not melt?
Gosh, can't even find the words for this one. Chloe is not just my kitty - she's my friend and she has been in my life since she fit into my hand, and since I was just a kid myself at age 19. Considering I'm now in my thirties - we've weathered a lot of stuff together. When I see this picture, I just see my faithful friend and companion - my dear, dear kitty - who taught me how to love animals the right way; with patience and humor, devotion, and persistence. How I love her...and how beautiful she is to me.

The girls - our little loves who make our life so happy and give so much without ever asking for much in return...what a pair they are and what a joy.

Thanks for letting me share my kiddos with you...you can click on any one of them to see the full size and then you can see some of the amazing lighting, etc. These little shots don't do them justice. -cb
Below is Kaleigh, my darling - she is just sweet and a total lover. She is also a rescue dog that was left to rot in a pound in California. When we found her, she had been there for a month already, was literally withering away to nothing and so sick it would make you hurt to look at her. She has changed our world - and this little pumpkin is such a mama's girl. I love her immensely...

Here is our 14 year old, sweet Chloe. She takes up residence every night on AB's pillow and gently licks his head - we've reasoned that she has decided he needs a nightly kitty bath. After she's done, she nudges up against his hair and drifts off to sleep...

The lioness with her lambs...

Kaleigh all curled up and napping without a care in the world - just like I want her to...

Anabelle, sweet Anabelle. Who would rather gnaw her own leg off than ever disappoint Anton or I. She is hands down, the dog that changed us into permanent Dog People. Smarter than a tack, funny, loyal to a fault, and as sweet and obedient as any wonderful dog could ever be. How can you look in that face and not melt?

The girls - our little loves who make our life so happy and give so much without ever asking for much in return...what a pair they are and what a joy.

Thanks for letting me share my kiddos with you...you can click on any one of them to see the full size and then you can see some of the amazing lighting, etc. These little shots don't do them justice. -cb