OK, I will try to get out of my dull-drums...
Erin, I accept your
challenge and here are my results:

Ok - 1. Above is my very first shin-dig, which was when my parents and a bunch of their friends hired six stretched white limos and we went to an amazing dinner and the ballet. It was Christmas, so of course we went to see the Nutcracker, and it was amazing. Even better was that my heartthrob crush, Paul, came as my "date". Now people, I was only thirteen...but I was so innocent - just ask my mom, and I was so thrilled to go with him. Several of the "kids" of these adults, myself included, brought dates and we all rode in one limo by ourselves. I was the youngest, mind you. Most of the kids were highschool. But talk about a night to remember. As far as young love went, this night was a cake topper. Incredible down to the last detail!
(Thank you Dad for such an amazing memory and for always doing things "BIG"!)

2. Above I am now 16 and a Junior in highschool and this is my date Denny, who is now an MD (go Denny!) I think it's
his Junior Prom...no, scratch that...maybe it was Homecoming? I can't remember. My mom loves this dress. I do too, I guess. What I really can't remember is ever fitting in anything that small! And that hair...don't say I didn't warn you about my early nineties wall of hair!

3. Ok, now I remember. This above must have been Homecoming, because this is my Junior Prom. I did not wear a fancy schmancy because I went to private school and we didn't have dances, we had "Banquets". LAME! Anyway, I'm 16 and this is Korey, who I had the biggest, fattest crush on. He didn't even go to my school, but to my church. I don't even know how I got the courage to ask him to come? Wish I could remember...I hate getting old!

4. Last but not least, Senior Ball - which was also a banquet...what a rip-off! I loved my school, but this is one thing I would change. Do you recognize my date? Come on people, it's only been like 2 minutes since you last saw him! That's right...my childhood 1st love returned to escort me to my Senior Ball...what a guy! Actually, Paul and I remained very close throughout my highschool years and were together off and on for about five. Finally in our 20's we decided to fish or cut bait...being that I'm married to Anton, I guess I don't have to tell you what we decided. Interestingly enough, his mother passed away a few years back, and I went to the funeral. I'd spent so much time with their family, that his mother was like a second mom to me. When I was at the wake following the service, her twin sister approached me and said "you're Christie, aren't you? I just want you to know that you were the daughter she always wanted and she loved you like a daughter til the day she died." Sniffle, sniffle!!
ERIN, KELLEY, ROBYN, SHELLI, VALERIE, JAMIE and anyone else....time to show us what you looked like in those old school pics...come on, don't be shy. I'll go first, of course...

1. Here I am above, adorable if I do say so myself. I am seven and in 2nd grade. The year is 1981. Man, I'm cute!

This is an all time favorite because you gotta love the split screen picture. How 80's can you get? This is 4th grade and the year is 1983. I was 9 years old. Loved that sweatshirt!!

3. Ok, jumping ahead, or we'll be here all day - this is my Sophomore year of highschool. The year is 1988 and I am 15 years old. I am smiling just like my Dad here. He smiles so big that his eyes become hard to see, like little slits. I do that too sometimes...

4. And last but not least, TADA, VAVAVA-VOOM...HERE SHE IS.....MISS AMERICA....
Ok, well, that's what I thought at the time, and apparently my parents did too, because they got the jumbo version and planted it above the fireplace for all to see. I mean...the JUMBO version. In this beautiful frame and a light over it...so 90's. This is my Senior Portrait, the year is 1992 and I am 17 years old. The interesting thing, aside from the never-ending wall of hair still present, is that I should have put out a disclaimer when handing these out to my fellow
male classmates - I don't know - something like "Warning: Parental Discretion is Advised". Can you believe that cleavage?!? In highschool!?! The truth is, I totally used it...
not like that...I mean the
picture. I only handed this one out to all the cute boys...it was my little way of saying "hurrah" to all the jerks who ignored me. Ahhhh, to be young again...scratch that...I think I'll stay put...they don't make enough hairspray for me to maintain that hairdo!